The Interspecific And Intraspecific Relationships Of Organisms In An Ecosystem

There are diverse organisms that are present in the community and because of this; different relationships are developed between them. These different kinds of relationships is categorize into two major types of relationships; the Interspecific and the Intraspecific relationships.

The Interspecific relationships are the relationships that show the interactions between the organisms belonging to different species. Belong to this are Commensalism, Mutualism, Parasitism, Competition, Predation, Amensalism, Neutralism and Protocooperation.

Commensalism is a relationship between species in which one of the organisms benefit from the relationship while the other organism is neither benefited nor harmed.

Mutualism is a relationship between organisms in which both

species benefit from the relationship they are in to.

Parasitism is a relationship in which one organism benefit from the relationship while the other is harmed.

Competition is a relationship in which the two or more species are competing with each other to utilize the same limited resources that are necessary in order for them to survive.

Predation is a kind of relationship in which one form of species serves as food to the other species. This involves a predator and prey relationship wherein specie is hunt by the other as food to eat.

Amensalism is a kind of relationship in which one population of specie is inhabited while the other population of specie is not affected.


is a kind of relationship in which one population of specie does not affect the other.

Protocooperation is a kind of relationship in which there are interactions between organisms with different species which are favorable but not obligatory.

The Intraspecific relationships are the relationships that show the interaction between organisms that belong to the same kind of specie. Belong to this relationship are the Competition and the Cooperation.

Competition also happens in the Interspecific relationship but it is between organisms with different species. Here, Competition relationship happens between organisms in the same species. It is a kind of relationship in which the organisms competes for the same sources of food and other elements that are necessary for their survival.

Cooperation relationship is a kind of relationship in which organism divide all the labors between them. All the members of the organism have a diverse task; closely work together for their own groups benefits. This kind of relationship can be observed from the insects, such as the ants, the termites, the bees as well as on the other groups of organisms.

Article Written By varron

I am a freelance online writer

Last updated on 29-07-2016 22K 0

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