The Ten Well-known Phyla Of Animals

There are about 35 phyla of animals that are classified by scientist.The ten well known phyla are Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminths, Nemathelminths, Annelida, Echinodermata, Mollusk, Arthropoda and Chordata.

The Protozoa can only be seen through a microscope; they are very small and they are single celled organisms.Examples of the organisms belong to the protozoa are Euglena, Paramecium and Amoeba.

The Porifera of poriferans are considered as the simplest of the many-celled animals.The bodied of the poriferans are found to be made up of hollow tubes with openings or pores on its sides.There are also poriferans which have cells that are arranged in two layers.

The Coelenterata is categorized into two different phyla namely; ctenophora and cnidaria.The first group (ctenophora) is found to have more complex bodies than the second group (cnidaria).

The Ctenophora is known for their eight rows of cilia.

The cilia provide this organism’s withy the means of locomotion.Ctenophores make use of their tentacles for feeding.Their tentacles contain stick substances that entrap and hold the food.

The cells of the Cnidarians are organized into two distinct tissues, including nerves and contractile tissues that are acting like muscles.These organisms have no brains and are lacking in true organs.Examples of Cnidarians are Jellyfish, Hydras, Corals and Sea Anemone.

The Platyhelminthes are composed of the flatworms and other animals that have soft bodies.These animals are mostly parasitic which means they are dependent to other animals in order to survive.

The Nemathelminthes mostly live in the fertile soils, salt waters as well as fresh waters.Examples of these organisms are Ascaris, Hookworms and Trichina; they are mostly parasite.

The organisms that belong to the Annelida Phyla are characterized of having round bodies with rings or divisions also called as segments.The Annelida have also their adaptation for aquatic life.

The Echinoderm organisms are characterized of having spines in their bodies.They have "endoskeleton"; this is an internal skeleton made up of spine-bearing plates.For moving, sensing, breathing and for capturing their prey; they utilized their water vascular system.

They are also known for their slow body movements and responses.Examples of organisms belonging to the Echinodermata Phyla are the Sea Urchins, the Star Fish, the Sand Dollar and the Sea Cucumber.

The organisms belonging to the Mollusk have well-developed organ system.They usually have soft and bodies with no segments.The word Mollusk came from the Latin word "mollis" which means soft.Some mollusks are important source of foods for humans.Examples of these organisms are the Oysters, the Seal lops, the Clams, the Mussels, the Squids as well as the Octopuses.

The Arthropods usually have outer covering; the outer part of these organisms is made up of protein as well as chitin.Organisms belonging to the Arthropoda usually have segments in their bodies and have many appendages that are attached to the organism's body parts.Examples of Arthropods are the Millipedes, the Centipedes, the Crustaceans, the Insects and the Spiders.

The organisms belonging to the Chordata phylum are having a backbone.They also have a skeletal system.Examples of the organisms belonging to this Phyla are the Horse, the Pig, the Cat, the Dog, the Cow and other animals; Humans also belongs to this category

Article Written by varron

I am a freelance online writer

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