The Communication And Cognitive Components Of Culture

Different cultures have considerable variations but all of these cultures share four components namely; communication, cognitive, material and behavioral components.

Communication components are divided into the language and symbols.Language is said to be as the core of all culture.A group of people that shares language shares a condensed, very flexible set of symbols and meanings.With this communication became possible and provides basis for symbolic interaction among humans along with the non-verbal communication and symbols.

Symbols are non-verbal signals which are together with the language.These symbols condensed very complex ideas and values going to a simple material form, making the very presence of the symbol give the signified ideas and values.These are anything that caries meanings that are recognize by the group of people who shares the same culture.

The Cognitive components are divided into ideas, knowledge and belief, values, and accounts.

Ideas are basic units out of which knowledge is constructed and a world emerges.These are mental representations that are used to organize stimulus.If these ideas are linked together, these will now become knowledge.

The knowledge elaborates and systematically summarizes and how we think about the world.Once the knowledge are stored, these can now support learning as well as these can now passed from one generation going to the next generation.

On the other hand, the belief accepts statements, ideas, description, fact, proposition and etc, and considers these as true.This acceptance use criteria that are found in the knowledge systems that are provided by some external authorities such as science, religion, government and etc.

Values are culturally defined as standards of beauty, goodness and desirability that serve as a guideline for social living.Values support belief or the specific statement that are hold to be true by the people.However, these could be varies to some degree such as by age, sex, race, ethnicity religion as well as in social classes.

Account shows how the people use the common language in order to explain, in order to justify, in order to rationalize, to excuse or legitimize the behavior within the culture to themselves as well as to others.

Another type of account is called as motives.These are the verbalization asking the questions “why” in an individual’s behavior.In another meaning, motives are considered as hidden springs of action that create behavior.In cultural grounds, motives are linguistic devices that were created after the behavior happened.

Article Written by varron

I am a freelance online writer

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